Must Have 2016

  • Must Have 2016
  • Must Have 2016
  • Must Have 2016

ERGO ™ line digging tools have become laureate of the Must Have plebiscite organized by Łódź Design Festival.

Must Have is one of the most important competitions in the field of industrial design in our country, which distinguishes well-designed products by Polish designers and manufacturers. The competition has been organized since 2011 as an event accompanying the Łódź Design Festival.

This year, the Council of Experts, consisting of representatives of the media and important design centers, had a difficult task, because the competition received a record of half a thousand applications. This year, Jury - which include Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka, Program Director of the School of Form and Zuzanna Skalska, a well-known trend analyst in the field of design, innovation and business - appreciated 70 of the most interesting projects, reflecting current trends in Polish design. Among the winners there is our new line of ERGO ™ digging tools, consisting of a straight and pointed spade, digging fork and a shovel.

This is another success crowning the cooperation of Cellfast Design Team with the KABO & PYDO studio. We are happy that our strategy - building a competitive advantage based on the highest quality, innovative solutions, exceptional ergonomics and unique design - brings results.

This is the second Must Have award for our company. Last year, the Council of Experts appreciated the original design of the ERGO line watering system. The projects that were awarded this year could be seen at the exhibition accompanying Łódź Design Festival, willingly visited not only by professionals but also by a large group of consumers. The Must Have exhibition also travels around Polish and foreign fairs and festivals. In previous years, the awarded products have visited, among others Milan, Berlin or Hong Kong.